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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

As engineers, it is vitally important to be able to communicate your thoughts and ideas effectively, using a variety of tools and medium. You will need to develop and use this skill throughout your years in University; when you attend job interviews and especially when you start working in the big wide world. But, it is often said that engineers do not possess the ability to communicate well. Of course that is a load of b*&%@ks - not enough coaching and practise that's all!

This page contains links to material that is designed to improve your presentation skills. Most of the links are to the Web sites of business consultants, so they should know what they are talking about. If you are a member of the IChemE, you should have received a little booklet entitled "Communication Skills for Engineers and Scientists". Nevertheless, you may still find these links useful.
Homegrown Advice and TipsNewcastle Product

* Making Oral Presentations
* Poster Presentation of Research Work
* Sue Haile's tips on oral presentations

General Advice, Tips and Guidelines

* How to write a presentation - the WHPI method
* Tips from Pacific Lutheran University's Media Services
o Designing Presentation Visuals
o Using Overhead Projectors
o Using Slide Projectors
* Presentation Resources from Maynard Leigh Associates
* Presentation Skills from PowertoPresent.com (requires registration for full, free access to a whole load of tips and advice)
* Presenters University - contains online courses as well as tips and guidelines (archived version)
* The Art of Speech Making - from the Impact Factory
One Minute Pause Get emailed weekly presentation tips from Natural Training

Public Speaking
Advice and tips

* Making Effective Oral Presentations is written by Edward G. Wertheim, Associate Prof. in Human Resources Management, Northeastern University, Boston
* Oral presentation advice - how to deliver a conference paper by Mark Hill
* Power Public Speaking - a website containing numerous articles on how to improve your oral presentation skills
* Presentation Skills for Emergent Managers is an article by G. Blair aimed at engineers. This page also contains links to matters related to Basic Management Skills. He has also written an article on Conversation as Communication
* Speakers Tips (from The Image Maker)
* Tips of the Month (from Gorin Communications, Inc.)
* Tips of the Month (from Lenny Laskowski, a professional speaker)

Overcoming fear and shyness

* Crossing a Bridge of Shyness, written by Diane Ullius, gives pointers on how to overcome your fear or shyness to public speaking
* Overcome the Fear of Speaking to Groups by Ron Kurtus
* Overcoming fear of public speaking from Pagewise

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